Let’s Work Together

I am a certified life coach with expertise in transformative, spiritual, and life-purpose coaching. Additionally, I hold certifications in Yin Yoga, Pranayama Breathwork, and Reiki. I offer private coaching and group sessions remotely, as well as in-home*.

*For in-home sessions, I serve clients in Calabasas, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Oak Park, and Malibu.



    I am dedicated to infusing my offerings with positive energy & ethical intention, ensuring that each interaction fosters genuine well-being and empowerment. My commitment to maintaining a foundation of positivity and integrity guides every aspect of facilitating holistic healing & growth for my clients.


    My approach as a practitioner is rooted in a commitment to honoring the authentic origins of the multicultural spiritual practices I engage in. Preserving their true essence is paramount to me, as I understand that the efficacy of energy healing lies in maintaining the integrity of these practices without "whitewashing" them.


    I am deeply committed to lifelong learning, recognizing the significance of knowledge and the interconnectedness of spiritual, philosophical, and psychological understanding and growth. I continually pursue additional degrees and certifications to enhance my ability to serve my clients effectively.

This profound shift in consciousness precipitated a significant change in my career and lifestyle. I transitioned away from the high-stakes world of entertainment to pursue endeavors that aligned more closely with my new values. Embracing a holistic approach to life, I prioritized mental and emotional well-being, mindful practices, and continuous learning. This journey not only altered my professional trajectory but also deepened my relationships and enriched my everyday experiences. Today, I am dedicated to helping others navigate their own paths of self-discovery and growth, drawing on the wisdom and insights gained from my transformative journey.

I look forward to working with you, facilitating healing and being a conduit for change. While no one can create change in someone else's life, we can offer a hand to hold and support each other on the journey.

My Story

After a successful yet tumultuous career in film and television, I found myself grappling with the trappings of an ego-driven existence. The relentless pursuit of fame, recognition, and material success began to hollow out my sense of purpose. My life, once illuminated by the spotlight, gradually dimmed into a state of disillusionment and inner turmoil. The external accolades could no longer mask the internal void. It was during this period that I encountered my dark night of the soul, a profound existential crisis that stripped away my superficial layers and forced me to confront my true self.

In the depths of this spiritual nadir, I embarked on a journey of conscious awakening that radically transformed my worldview. Immersing myself in the realms of philosophy and psychology, I sought to understand the deeper intricacies of the human condition and my own psyche. The works of great thinkers and spiritual leaders provided me with a new lens through which to perceive the world, one that emphasized inner growth, mindfulness, and authentic living over external validation. This intellectual and spiritual pursuit rekindled a sense of purpose within me, guiding me towards a more meaningful and fulfilling path.


Life coaching provides tailored guidance and spiritual support to empower individuals in manifesting their life purpose, transcending obstacles, and realizing their fullest potential.


In my Reiki sessions, individuals experience profound relaxation, energetic balance, and spiritual renewal through the gentle laying on of hands and channeling of universal life force energy.


Yin yoga sessions provide a nurturing space for individuals to surrender, release tension, and cultivate inner harmony through gentle, meditative poses and mindful breathwork.


The guided pranayama breathwork service offers individuals a transformative journey, fostering deep inner healing and spiritual alignment through intentional breathwork practices.