Dear Woman Whose Soul Burns Bright…

To the woman whose soul burns bright, but differently than the others: you are so much more than most can handle and thats ok. You see the beauty of life and show gratitude for the universe and all its blessings. You not only feel the magic around you, you manifest it and become your own magic. You allow the moon to control your internal tide each month because you know life is about ebbs and flows, breaking down and rebuilding, but most importantly, keeping your vibration high. There is an indescribable energy about you and around you. Your soul does not conform to what society has constructed. It transcends and sees things differently, feels things differently, and attracts a wildness that most are afraid to tap into. You unapologetically dance to your own beat, brushing off the judgment of others with a shrug. You truly understand that life is about living and you will do it to its fullest potential. You are not afraid.

Throwing yourself into a pit of passion, whether it is for something or someone leaves you susceptible to a world of hurt, but you do not fear hurt because you understand that in order to know and understand the greatness of love and intoxicating pleasure, you must also know the opposite. You are not afraid of wearing your heart on our sleeve, no matter how many times it has been bruised and beaten. You want to heal the world through smiles, a gentle touch, your words and actions, but you also want to heal yourself. That is your super power — the openness to heal. You want to shine light on your darkest shadows, to find true happiness, pursue your wildest dreams, and love yourself unconditionally. Your ideals of what life should be will not be swayed.

Dear woman whose soul burns bright: Live for yourself, your hopes, dreams, and desires. Always. At the end of this life, don’t have regrets. You should not have held back from doing what you want because of how others feel about your decisions. Live a life you love. It is better to be solitary and free than surrounded by people who require you to dull your shine.

Let your light shine even if its blinding to the people who can’t handle it. Elope on a mountain. Quit your job. Take the trip. Dance naked under the full moon. Embrace how beautifully and enchantingly different you are. You are fearless and let the heart lead. There aren’t many like you. You are magic. Never forget it.

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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