DIY Soaks & Salves

Natural, holistic remedies for what ails us are a go-to for many. (Always consult your physician before self-diagnosing or implementing any treatment plans.) While many brands tout clean ingredients, the best way to keep everything in your home life as clean as possible is to make certain items yourself. Let’s use cooking as an example — while you might choose the healthiest item on the menu, you don’t now how much salt or oil or butter was used. If you were to cook the meal yourself you have control over all the ingredients.

Making homemade soaks and salves for every day pains is an easy, clean way to get the relief you’re after. Below we have recipes for a homemade pain relieving salve, soak, and a relaxation inducing bubble bath. Each use only a handful of ingredients, are quick to make, and can be made in bulk and stored. When creating any product that utilizes essential oils, please make sure you're using therapeutic grade oils, not fragrance oils. Diluting the essential oils in a carrier (epsom salt or coconut oil) is important — There are practitioners out there that say otherwise, but we air on the side of caution here. Safety is our highest priority and because an essential oils’ high potency can cause irritation and adverse reactions, we ask you to dilute.

Pain Salve

In a double boiler melt the bees wax and coconut oil together. Once melted, transfer into a small glass mason jar and let cool for a few minutes. Then, add the oils. Let completely cool until it is solid again. It's perfect for massaging into sore muscles, onto the temples to ease a headache, or on your abdomen to ease menstrual cramps.

”Peppermint contains menthol, which has a cooling effect on sore, achy muscles. It also has analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties.” - The addition of eucalyptus offers another level of pain relief as well as an aroma that is linked to reducing stress and calming the mind.


We know not everyone likes to make their own products. Twig + Petal offers essential oils for those that do like the DIY life and they also offer pre-made products for those that don’t.

Pain Soak

In a large glass bowl, drop 2 drops of each oil directly into the bowl and then cover with one cup of Epsom Salt. Stir into the oils. Drop remaining 3 drops each of oil into the salts and stir again. Put the entire mixture in one hot bath.

As stated above, peppermint and eucalyptus oils are renowned for their pain reducing properties. Adding them to epsom salt creates a triple threat! The soak offers the added benefit of a relaxing bath while still receiving the same pain fighting strength of the salve.

Relaxation Bubble Bath

In a glass jar, mix soap and oils. Give it a stir, or seal and shake. Pour into hot bath until desired sudsy-ness is reached.

Lavender and Roman Chamomile essential oils have a relaxing effect on the body. The addition of Lemon Oil adds an uplifting note to the aroma.

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


Homemade Foaming Herbal Epsom Salt Bath