The Age of Your Personal Ascension
Before we dive into calculating your personal ascension age and what that means, there are a few other concepts you’ll need to understand first so you can fully comprehend what happens during your ascension. Let’s start by explaining the difference between Soul Purpose and Life Purpose.
Soul Purpose is tied to realizing that we are all from the same source and meant to lead each other back there through loving kindness. A Soul Purpose is how we serve others. Life Purpose, on the other hand, is tied to ego and what we want to do with our time on earth, our self-serving motivations and what we want to achieve on a personal scale.
Your Life Purpose can (and should) encompass aspects of the Soul Purpose. When it does, this will lead to a fulfilling human experience and spiritual alignment.
How do you know what your life path is?
You have an innate knowing of who you are, what your soul is meant to do, and what human is meant to accomplish. Sometimes this knowing gets stifled by conditioning, trauma, etc. but it is always there. When all else fails, go inward and get reacquainted with inner child. Let inner child get acquainted with adult you - that is your dream team and a great guide back to your purpose. However, numerology can also be used to guide you to or back to your life path. Numerology is a sacred divination system that has been used for thousands of years to predict behaviors and outcomes. Each number holds a specific vibrational frequency and meaning. Our personal numbers have a great influence on our lives — down to the individual month, day, and year we were born. When broken down, numerology can provide and in-depth roadmap to your personality, strengths, weaknesses, your Life Purpose, Soul Purpose and beyond.
How do you calculate your Life Path Number?
Calculating your life path number is quite simple. You add up all the digits of your full birthday and reduce them down to a single digit.
Example: June 10, 1972
6+1+0+1+9+7+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
If on the first or second step your addition adds up to 11, 22, or 33 do not reduce down any further as these are considered Master Numbers and have their own meanings. Those will be explained and examples given below.
Based on the above, are the individual numbers important as well? YES! Every person that shares a life path is still different. They have their own unique, spiritual fingerprint. If we break down the above, you can say this person born in June, which is the 6th month of the year will have some personality traits of a Life Path 6. People born on the 10th will also share traits of a person with the Life Path of 1. 1972 when reduced (1+9+7+2 = 19, 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1) is also a 1. This type of breakdown tells me that the path they are on is ambitious and requires a lot of hard work, but also that they are caring, yet extremely driven and independent.
What are the different Life Path Numbers and what do they mean?
Those with a Life Path of 1 are leaders drawn to taking action and making progress. They are self-driven and independent, but naturally acquire a following.
Those with a Life Path of 2 have a gift of creating purposeful and meaningful connections. They thrive in team environments and often put others needs before their own,
Those with a Life Path of 3 are extremely creative and active. They are extroverted and tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.
Those with a Life Path of 4 are dedicated and methodical. They possess traits that make them excellent teachers -- down to earth, clear, and authoritative .
Those with a Life Path of 5 are adventurers ready to experience everything life has to offer. They love experimenting and typically don't settle for one career path.
Those with a Life Path of 6 are natural humanitarians. They are kind and lead with their emotions. They are devoted to love and harmony in all aspects.
Those with a Life Path of 7 are known as 'eternal students'. They have a natural thirst for knowledge and let their minds lead them, They are wise in both mind and spirit.
Those with a Life Path of 8 place their worth in their accomplishments. They are leaders and hardworking, but they often learn hard lessons -- which they then share so others may have greater ease.
Those with a Life Path of 9 carry great wisdom and are often spiritual teachers. They have a deep devotion to their fellow man/woman and therefore attract karmic support from the divine.
(aka life path numbers on steroids)
Those that have a Master Number of 11 are extremely intuitive and work to better the world around them, Their spirituality allows them access to higher truths that they can bestow on humanity.
Those that have a Master Number of 22 are referred to as "Master Builders". They are extremely dedicated and can achieve exceptional things. They often work hard to be of service to others and the greater good of humankind.
Those that have a Master Number of 33 are extremely rare and are often referred to as "Master Teachers". They are selfless and possess a level of understanding that few can comprehend.
What is an ascension?
The definition of ascension is “the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.” Spiritually speaking, this is a time of exponential growth, enlightenment and expanding consciousness. From a human perspective it can be viewed as ‘rising up to the challenge’ and stepping into our full potential.
How do you know when you’re in a time of ascension?
Simply, you’ll feel the growing pains. The closer you get to stepping into your full power the more emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically painful it becomes. You’ll be forced to face your shadow self, see the world around you for what it is, leave mindsets, places, things, and people behind. It’s not a pretty process…. but neither is becoming a butterfly. This period is sometimes referred to as the dark night of the soul, but not to worry. If you do the work and embrace your destiny, the sun will rise again.
What is your Ascension Age?
Your ascension age is simply the year that you will merge with your intended path. This is the age that you will level up in both the spiritual and physical world.
Calculating Your Personal Ascension Age
How do you calculate your Personal Ascension age?
Using the same technique of adding up your birth date will result in your Ascension Age. Instead of of adding the last two digits together to make a single number, that is where you stop.
From our examples above:
November 11, 1979
1+1+11+1+9+7+9 = 39
3+9 = 12*
*If your life path calculation contains multiple reductions before hitting a single digit, a significant realization, change, or shift may have occurred during this age that catapulted your spiritual journey.
June 10, 1972
6+1+0+1+9+7+2 = 26
If you are a Master Number, that is your ascension age. (see image examples above)
Now that you have your number…
Is your Ascension age in the past?
Do you remember the couple years leading up to that age and what you went through during that year specifically? Where were you personally, spiritually and professionally the year afterward? How did you build from there? Can you identify your thought and behavior patterns and how they’ve lead you to the place you are currently? You may be fully living in your intended path now. Congratulations. You’ve passed many difficult lessons from the Universe to get to this place. Human and soul are in full alignment with earth and source.
Do you feel like you were once on the path (very easily, without much resistance) but lost your way? That’s ok. This will happen in life. Think back to that age and the thoughts you were having, the actions you were taking… now think about your current thoughts and actions. This is your opportunity to shift your mindset and actions back to what was in alignment for you. Apply lessons. This will lead you back to the path you were meant to be on.
Is your Ascension Age in the present?
Oh boy! You may have a clear picture of where you want to be and what you are building towards, but you are also being met with resistance - internal and external. You could be feeling depressed, anxious, and lonely. A general feeling of discomfort is normal in the couple years leading up to this age, with the most discomfort being felt during this solar return. That is because you are being prepared to fully step into your life path. The larger and more important the life path, the more painful and time consuming this period is. You are being forced to strip away thoughts, actions, places, and people that do not serve you in the next chapter. The sooner you realize what is happening, the more control you will gain over yourself and be able to learn the lessons faster and with greater ease.
Don’t have a clear picture? Use the tools above to hone in on what your intended path should be. Visualize it. Feel it. Embody it. Then get to work.
Is your Ascension Age in the future?
Luck you! You now have all this new knowledge to help prepare yourself. Lock in the vision. Create the action plan. It’s also important to realize that during this time, you may need space from many people in your life. Boundaries are going to be crucial, so start planning and identifying what you’ll need to do for yourself. Make sure to use the time leading up to your ascension to meditate and open your awareness to the world around you. The universe will be dropping hints and lessons regularly. Brace yourself and embrace yourself.
How long does your ascension last?
Like everything in life, we have choices. We can choose to ignore our spiritual growth and ascension periods. However, the Universe will always guide us, sometimes push us, and sometimes force us later on in life to get onto the path we are meant to be walking. How long the ascension takes is up to you. It takes a great amount of self-awareness and spiritual or quantum awareness to continually see what is present and unfolding.
Need some extra guidance? Pull your Natal/Birth Chart. So much of you is written in the stars. For guidance on career/purpose pay close attention to what the 10th house and you Midheaven says. You may also find it helpful to take a Personality Trait Assessment.