Numerology for 2024

Numerology is a belief in the mystical significance of numbers and their influence on human life. To begin, let’s break down each of the life path/ruling numbers and their meaning.

Life Path numbers in numerology are calculated from an individual's birth date. Each number is associated with certain traits, tendencies, and potential life experiences. Here are brief descriptions of the meanings for Life Path numbers 1 through 9:

1. Life Path 1: The Leader

- Traits: Independence, originality, assertiveness.

- Path: Those with Life Path 1 are often natural leaders, pioneers, and innovators. They strive for success and are self-motivated.

2. Life Path 2: The Peacemaker

- Traits: Cooperation, diplomacy, sensitivity.

- Path: Individuals with Life Path 2 are diplomatic and excel in partnerships. They seek harmony and are often supportive in relationships.

3. Life Path 3: The Creative Communicator

- Traits: Creativity, self-expression, sociability.

- Path: Life Path 3 individuals are creative, expressive, and enjoy communicating. They often find success in artistic or communicative endeavors.

4. Life Path 4: The Builder

- Traits: Practicality, hard work, reliability.

- Path: Those with Life Path 4 are disciplined and methodical. They excel in building strong foundations, both in their personal and professional lives.

5. Life Path 5: The Freedom Seeker

- Traits: Adventure, adaptability, versatility.

- Path: Life Path 5 individuals seek freedom and variety. They thrive on change, enjoy exploration, and may have a variety of experiences in life.

6. Life Path 6: The Nurturer

- Traits: Responsibility, compassion, family-oriented.

- Path: Life Path 6 individuals are often nurturing and family-oriented. They take on responsibilities and excel in providing care and support to others.

7. Life Path 7: The Seeker of Truth

- Traits: Analytical, spiritual, introspective.

- Path: Life Path 7 individuals are often drawn to spiritual pursuits and seek deeper understanding. They value introspection and may have a philosophical nature.

8. Life Path 8: The Achiever

- Traits: Ambition, power, material success.

- Path: Life Path 8 individuals are ambitious and often successful in business. They are natural leaders and seek financial stability and success.

9. Life Path 9: The Humanitarian

- Traits: Compassion, idealism, altruism.

- Path: Those with Life Path 9 are often compassionate and have a strong sense of justice. They are drawn to humanitarian causes and seek to make a positive impact on the world.

Additionally, master numbers in numerology are special numbers that are not reduced to a single-digit in the process of calculation. The master numbers are 11, 22, and 33. Each of these numbers is considered to carry a higher spiritual vibration and is associated with unique characteristics and challenges.

Master Number 11: The Intuitive Illuminator

- Traits: Intuition, spiritual insight, inspiration.

- Path: Individuals with Master Number 11 are considered highly intuitive and may possess psychic abilities. They are often seen as spiritual leaders and visionaries. The number 11 is associated with a strong connection to higher consciousness and the ability to inspire others.

Master Number 22: The Master Builder

- Traits: Mastery, practicality, spiritual insight.

- Path: Master Number 22 is often referred to as the Master Builder because it combines the practicality of number 4 with the visionary qualities of 11. Individuals with this number have the potential to turn dreams into reality on a grand scale. They possess strong organizational and leadership skills and can manifest their visions in the material world.

Master Number 33: The Master Teacher

- Traits: Compassion, healing, spiritual wisdom.

- Path: Master Number 33 is considered the most influential of the master numbers. It combines the nurturing qualities of 6 with the spiritual insight of 11. Individuals with this number are often seen as spiritual teachers and healers. They have a profound sense of compassion and are driven to make a positive impact on the world.

Challenges of Master Numbers:

- While master numbers carry great potential, they also come with challenges. Individuals with master numbers may experience heightened sensitivity, intense emotions, and a sense of responsibility to fulfill their spiritual mission.

- The energy of master numbers can be overwhelming, and individuals may struggle to integrate their spiritual insights into practical, everyday life.

- There's a need for self-awareness and balance to navigate the intense energy associated with master numbers.

It's important to note that not everyone with these master numbers in their numerology charts fully embodies the characteristics associated with them. Numerology is a tool for self-discovery, and the interpretation of master numbers, like other aspects of numerology, may vary among practitioners. Individuals with master numbers are encouraged to explore their unique strengths and challenges on their spiritual journey.

Breaking down your birthday

Month + Day + Year = Life Path


1+1+1+8+1+9+8+6 = 35
3+5 = 8

Using the above as an example, this person is a Life Path 8 — The Achiever. The themes of what they achieve can be found in the individual parts of their birthday, and even their birth time.

Month: 11
The Intuitive Illuminator
Traits: Intuition, spiritual insight, inspiration.
Path: Individuals with Master Number 11 are considered highly intuitive and may possess psychic abilities. They are often seen as spiritual leaders and visionaries. The number 11 is associated with a strong connection to higher consciousness and the ability to inspire others.

Day: 18
The Humanitarian
Traits: Compassion, idealism, altruism.
Path: Those with Life Path 9 are often compassionate and have a strong sense of justice. They are drawn to humanitarian causes and seek to make a positive impact on the world.

Year: 1986
1+9+8+6 = 24 / 2 +4 = 6
The Nurturer
Traits: Responsibility, compassion, family-oriented.
Path: Life Path 6 individuals are often nurturing and family-oriented. They take on responsibilities and excel in providing care and support to others.

This breakdown tells us that this Achiever is going to take a path rooted in spirituality, intellect, compassion for others, and reformation.

Let’s add birth time…

Time: 12:35 am
1+2+3+5 = 11
The Intuitive Illuminator
Traits: Intuition, spiritual insight, inspiration.
Path: Individuals with Master Number 11 are considered highly intuitive and may possess psychic abilities. They are often seen as spiritual leaders and visionaries. The number 11 is associated with a strong connection to higher consciousness and the ability to inspire others.

This life path 8 has very deep intuition, and if they learn to trust it, they’ll achieve whatever they set their minds to.

Calculating and Understanding Numerology for the Year

2023 was a year 7 (2+0+2+3 = 7). Based on what we’ve learned, this year was marked as The Seeker of Truth. Each life path, in their own way, was more analytical, spiritual, and introspective about certain aspects of their lives. If you have 7 in any part of your numerology makeup, you felt these energies the most.

2+0+2+4 = 8

2024 is an 8 year, so Life Path 8 (The Achievers) will have many opportunities to advance in their mission. While the 8’s may align with this energy the most, everyone will have the opportunity to call in success and stability.

What will be achieved in each month of 2024?

January - 1, 9
In January 2024, there will be achievements surrounding independence, originality, assertiveness, ambition, success, compassion, and altruism.

February - 2, 1
In February 2024, there will be achievements surrounding cooperation, diplomacy, independence, originality, and assertiveness.

March - 3, 11
In March 2024, there will be achievements surrounding creativity, self-expression, sociability, intuition, insight and inspiration.

April - 4, 3
In April 2024, there will be achievements surrounding practicality, hard work, reliability, creativity, self-expression, and sociability.

May - 5, 4
In May 2024, there will be achievements surrounding adventure, adaptability, versatility, practicality, hard work, and reliability.

June - 6, 5
In March 2024, there will be achievements surrounding responsibility, compassion, family, adventure, adaptability, and versatility.

July - 7, 6
In July 2024, there will be achievements surrounding analytics, spirituality, introspection, responsibility, compassion, and family.

August - 8, 7
In August 2024, there will be achievements surrounding material success, analytics, spirituality, and introspection.

September - 9, 8
In September 2024, there will be achievements surrounding compassion, altruism, and material success.

October - 1, 9
In October 2024, there will be achievements surrounding independence, originality, assertiveness, compassion, and altruism.

November - 11, 1
In November 2024, there will be achievements surrounding intuition, spiritual insight, inspiration, independence, originality, and assertiveness.

December 3, 11
In December 2024, there will be achievements surrounding creativity, self-expression, sociability, intuition, spiritual insight, and inspiration.


We’ve included a worksheet for you to calculate your life path and it’s themes.


Now that you know about your personal path and what is in store for 2024, take time to answer the following journal prompts:

Do I feel like I’m aligned with my life path? If not, what seems to be misaligned and how can I change this?

Looking ahead, are there any months in 2024 that seem more lucky than others? What do I want to do during these months?

Do I notice any other themes or patterns?

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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