Immunity Boosting Tincture Recipe

Creating an immunity-boosting wellness tincture at home can be a fun and rewarding way to support your health. Please keep in mind that I am not a licensed herbalist or medical professional, so it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any new herbal remedies, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. That said, here's a basic recipe for an immunity-boosting tincture using a combination of herbs known for their immune-enhancing properties:


- 1 part echinacea root (Echinacea purpurea) - Immune system stimulant.

- 1 part astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) - Supports immune function and increases resistance to stress.

- 1/2 part elderberry (Sambucus nigra) - Rich in antioxidants and supports the immune system.

- 1/2 part turmeric root (Curcuma longa) - Has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

- 1/4 part ginger root (Zingiber officinale) - Anti-inflammatory and supports overall immune health.

- 1/4 part garlic (Allium sativum) - Antiviral and immune-boosting properties.

- Optional: a few slices of lemon for added flavor and vitamin C (Citrus limon).


- High-proof alcohol (such as vodka or brandy) - 80-100 proof.

- Glass jar with a tight-fitting lid - For storing the tincture.

- Dark glass dropper bottles - For storing the final tincture for everyday use.


1. Prepare the Herbs:

- If the herbs are in large pieces, chop or grind them to increase the surface area for extraction.

2. Combine Herbs:

- In a clean glass jar, combine the prepared herbs in the specified ratios. Adjust the quantities based on the size of your jar and the desired potency of your tincture.

3. Add Alcohol:

- Pour enough alcohol over the herbs to fully cover them. Make sure all the herbs are submerged.

4. Infusion Period:

- Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place. Let the herbs steep in the alcohol for at least 4-6 weeks. Shake the jar gently every day to ensure proper extraction.

5. Strain the Tincture:

- After the steeping period, strain the tincture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean bowl. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the herbs.

6. Bottle the Tincture:

- Using a funnel, pour the strained tincture into dark glass dropper bottles. Dark glass helps protect the tincture from light exposure, which can degrade its potency.

7. Labeling:

- Label the bottles with the name of the tincture, ingredients, date of preparation, and dosage instructions (consult a healthcare professional for appropriate dosage).

8. Storage and Usage:

- Store the tincture bottles in a cool, dark place. To use, typically take a few drops (usually 20-30 drops) diluted in water or juice, 2-3 times daily, or as recommended by a healthcare provider.

Remember, herbal remedies can interact with medications and have individual effects on different people. It's essential to seek professional advice before using them, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a pre-existing health condition.

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardorâ„¢. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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