The Terra Ardor Cookbook vol. 1

In 2020, after being in the first round of Covid Layoffs, I found myself with all the time I had wished for. Time to take care of myself and time to work on passion projects. As a writer (across many mediums) having time to sit down with a clear mind and singing muses had been rather difficult with my work schedule. I knew I had to take this abrupt change as a blessing and take advantage of it because I may never have the chance again. The first project I dove into was my cookbook.

During that year, I was still posting on a personal blog (Nikki Nurtures) that had been up and running since 2014. One of the most popular pages was my recipes. I pulled all of the best ones off the blog and turned my apartment kitchen into a test kitchen. I worked on my original cookbook every day for 3 months. It was exhilarating. At the end of this journey, I published ‘Plant and Sea: A Pescatarian-Inspired Cookbook’ which donned a simple graphic cover. (My imposter-syndrome kept me from putting myself on the cover. It happens to the best of us.) The cookbook sales did so well — exceeded my expectations.

In the months that followed, life picked back up again. I took another full time job and that pesky imposter-syndrome put a damper on marketing. I eventually unpublished it— not because I didn’t love it, but because I knew I wanted to create something bigger and better. Something cohesive. Having a taste of total freedom during the spring and summer of 2020 sparked an entrepreneurial spirit, but I wouldn’t create my vision and start carving a path until 2022.

From 2020 - 2022, my personal life went through many changes. A painful dark night of the soul. A spiritual ascension. Awareness blossomed into awakening. But, in all this chaos, a vision formed. One night — when I had admittedly smoked myself into oblivion to ease my anxiety — it came to me: TERRA ARDOR. It’s how I would tie all of my interests into a brand focused on inspiring others through their healing, living, and awakening. So, I broke life down into four pillars: nourishment, expansion, alignment, and transmutation. (You can learn more about this on our about page.)

There it was…. cohesion and the path to republishing the cookbook. The title and cover have changed, but the recipes have remained the same.

The Terra Ardor Table vol. 1: Simple Plant-Based and Pescatarian Recipes
(exclusively on Amazon for now) Hardcover and Paperback.
Kindle Version Coming Soon!

The Terra Ardor Table Cookbook

Ps. Oh yes…. Vol 2 is in the works.

XOXO Nicole

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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