2023 Astrology: New Moons, Full Moons, and Retrogrades

full blood moon

2023 Full Moons

Date Name Sign

Jan 6, 2023 Wolf Moon Cancer
Feb 5, 2023 Snow Moon Leo
Mar 7, 2023 Worm Moon Virgo
Apr 6, 2023 Pink Moon Libra
May 5, 2022 Flower Moon Scorpio
Jun 4, 2023 Strawberry Moon Sagittarius
Jul 3, 2023 Thunder Moon Capricorn
Aug 1, 2023 Sturgeon Moon Aquarius
Aug 31, 2022 Blue Moon Pisces
Sep 29, 2023 Harvest Moon Aries
Oct 28, 2023 Hunters Moon Taurus
Nov 27, 2023 Beaver Moon Gemini
Dec 27, 2023 Cold Moon Cancer

The moon represents our needs and emotions.

Full Moons are ideal for performing rituals associated with release associated with emotions and mindsets that tend to hold us back from meeting our needs. These emotional releases are also tied to things in your physical world — people, places, and things.

As the moon starts to wane, this is the time for introspection, creating an action plan, and executing it in order to usher change. (Remember: intention + action creates change. You have to meet the Universe halfway.)

2023 opens and closes with Full Moons in Cancer. Cancer is a Cardinal Water Sign that represents comfort and domesticity. Cancer’s are also extremely devoted to family and friends. The beginning and end of 2023 will facilitate a space to clear out anything that does not bring us the comfort we desire in both our physical spaces and our closest relationships.

Leos are known for their confidence, devotion, and focus. Full Moons in Leo often highlight what needs to change in order to commit to ourselves, our relationships, and our creative endeavors that have been lacking.

Virgos are very detail-oriented and methodical, so it’s no surprise that a Full Moon in Virgo would highlight our lack of organization and action in our physical and material worlds.

Libra energy brings brings an air of aligning with your highest self while living your best life. They have a desire for evolution, beauty, fun and the finer things in life. The Full Moon in Libra will bring motivation to create your best life by releasing what is not in alignment with your vision.

A Full Moon in the intense sign of Scorpio will highlight the areas of our lives that need to be destroyed and regenerated. Scorpios, although a fixed sign, thrive in change. They are transformative and powerful when doing so. During this full moon, you will be led to change, internally and externally.

Sagittarius are the freedom-loving, optimistic, adventurers of the zodiac. If anything is hindering light-hearted fun, connections, or fulfillment, you’ll have the opportunity to release it during the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

The Full Moon in Capricorn offers the opportunity to get serious about overcoming any obstacles leading to your success. Capricorns have incredible drive and ambition. They finish what they start. Make space for this energy during the full moon.

Aquarius energy is independent, creative, and intellectual. During the Full Moon in place the intention to clear anything that impedes these qualities if you’re feeling a drought of inspiration or stifled by the reliance of others.

When there are two full moons in the same month, the 2nd is called a Blue Moon. Blue Moons occur every 2.7 years and carry a much stronger vibration than a normal full moon. Pisces are the hopeless romantics of the zodiacs. This moon will aid you in opening up your heart to experiencing love and beauty to its fullest extent.

The Full Moon in Aries is a call for boldness and bravery. If you’ve felt held back from achieving what your heart desires, release anything that’s been standing in your way — even if it is you!

Taurus energy likes to bask in the fruits of their labor - particularly in areas of beauty, love, and money. Release anything that holds you back from enjoying these things during the Full Moon in Taurus.

2023 New Moons

During your Full Moon Release Ritual you will have created space for something new. New Moons are the time to start set intentions for new foundations. When the moon is waxing (the light is building), it is the time to say “yes” to new beginnings, feelings, and experiences.

Here is the list of 2023’s New Moons & their signs:

Jan 21, 2023 Aquarius
Feb 20, 2023 Pisces
Mar 21, 2023 Aries
Apr 20, 2023 Aries
May 19, 2022 Taurus
Jun 18, 2023 Gemini
Aug 23, 2023 Cancer
Jul 17, 2023 Leo
Aug 16, 2022 Virgo
Sep 15, 2023 Libra
Nov 13, 2023 Scorpio
Dec 12, 2023 Sagittarius

Use what came up at the corresponding full moon as a guide book for how you will build during this moon period — intention is everything.

Example: If during the Scorpio Full Moon your focus was on releasing and dismantling toxic connections that negatively impact your peace and happiness, the New Moon in Scorpio 6 months later will be used to fill the open spaces with connections that are more aligned — if you’ve done the internal work and planning.

2023 Retrogrades

Think of retrogrades as the super-charged, drill sergeant cousins of the Full Moon. If you’re not doing the work during the moon phases, the retrogrades will make you so uncomfortable you will no longer be able to ignore the changes you need to make.

These are the retrogrades of 2023:

Planet: Mercury

Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Dec 29, 2022 Jan 18, 2023 Capricorn
Apr 21, 2023 May 15, 2023 Taurus
Aug 23, 2023 Sep 15, 2023 Virgo
Dec 13, 2023 Jan 2, 2024 Capricorn/Sagittarius

Mercury is the planet of communication.

When in retrograde, mercury causes breakdowns in communication, both literally and figuratively. While many may experience instances of poor verbal communication, we also see breakdowns technologically. Mercury Retrograde also tends to highlight the dissonance between our words and actions in all areas of our lives. Since our energy is the driving force for what is attracted and manifested, Mercury Retrogrades allow us to assess and re-align where needed. If you’re not ‘walking the talk’, Mercury (and the Universe) will let you know.

This year, Mercury will go retrograde in the following signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. The last retrograde of the year will be a hybrid between the signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius. This hybrid retrograde starts in Capricorn and ends in Sagittarius in 2024.

When mercury is retrograde in Capricorn targets our careers and ambitions.

When mercury is retrograde in Taurus targets our practicality and our money.

When mercury is retrograde in Virgo targets our routines and health.

When mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius targets our vitality and freedom.

Planet: Venus


Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Jul 23, 2022 Sep 4, 2023 Leo

Venus is the planet of love.

When Venus is retrograde issue with relationships may arise, either shedding light on the cracks in our foundations in the present or bringing back connections of the past that need to heal.

This year, Venus will go retrograde in the sign of Leo. When Venus is retrograde in Leo our normal confidence in love and our relationships may take a hit, resulting in the need reassurance.

Planet: Mars

Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Oct 3, 2022 Jan 12, 2023 Gemini

Mars is the planet of action.

When Mars is retrograde it effects impedes forward momentum toward goals and desires.

This year, Mars will finish the retrograde transit that started in Oct of 2022 in the sign of Gemini. When mars is retrograde in Gemini you’ll experience some boredom and stagnation, but it’s an opportunity to reserve your energy because once Mars stations direct, it’s off to the races.

Planet: Jupiter


Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Sept 1, 2023 Dec 31, 2023 Taurus

Jupiter is the planet of luck.

When Jupiter is retrograde it prompts us to look at the big picture.

This year, Jupiter will go retrograde in the sign of Taurus. When Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus our focus will switch from pleasure-seeking to practicality.

Planet: Saturn


Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Jun 17, 2023 Nov 4, 2023 Pisces

Saturn is the planet of Justice.

When Saturn is retrograde it is a time to slow down and think about your responsibilities and the duties you’ve taken on.

This year, Saturn will go retrograde in the sign of Pisces. When Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, it calls us to create structure and be disciplined.

Planet: Uranus


Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Aug 24, 2022 Jan 22, 2023 Taurus
Aug 29, 2022 Jan 24, 2023 Taurus

Uranus is the planet of change.

When Uranus is direct, it lends itself to external change and sometimes chaos, but, when retrograde it wakes us up to the internal changes we need to make to evolve.

Uranus will be retrograde twice this year — its first transit starting in 2022 and ending in 2023. Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus. When Uranus is retrograde is in the stable, fixed sign of Taurus we see transformations of the self - even if they’re unwelcome at first.

Planet: Neptune


Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

Jun 30, 2023 Dec 6, 2023 Pisces

Neptune is the planet of illusions.

When Neptune is retrograde we experience the erosion of what does not exist in truth. We start to notice deceptions.

This year, Neptune will go retrograde in the sign of Pisces. When Neptune is retrograde in the sign of pisces we are called to go inward and sort out confusions, longings, and false-realities affect us spiritually.

Planet: Pluto

Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

May 1, 2023 Oct 11, 2023 Aquarius/Capricorn

Pluto is the planet of transformation.

When Pluto is retrograde we experience destruction and transformation on a psychological and emotional level. During Pluto retrogrades we become painfully aware of toxic and negative patterns, self-destructive behaviors and belief systems.

This year, Pluto will start its retrograde in Aquarius and end in Capricorn. When Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius, it brings a sense of nostalgia and a window to past connections. Once Pluto shifts into Capricorn, the retrograde will prompt us to question what success really means and to transmute our fears surrounding it.

Minor Planet/Comet: Chiron

(This is photo is only a representation of Chiron) Chiron was first thought to be an asteroid but was later classified as a minor planet/comet.

Retrograde Begins Retrograde Ends Astrological Sign

July 23, 2023 Dec 27, 2023 Aries

Chiron is the symbol of the Wounded Healer.

Chiron reflects our deepest traumas and inner wounds. When Chiron goes retrograde, our insecurities bubble up to the surface so that they can be healed.

In 2023, Chiron will station retrograde in the sign of Aries and will highlight past wounds that have shaken our confidence and caused self-doubt and fear.

The Best Way to Work With Astrology

Knowing your Natal Chart (or Birth Chart) is the first step in working with astrological energy. The Natal Chart is a map of where all the planets were positioned on the date and time of your birth. This gives insight into your personality and your life path in love, relationships, money, career, self, etc.

Once you have your chart, identify ‘Your Big 3’ — that is your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. When reading horoscopes, read all 3. Your present future self is a combination of your sun, moon, and rising.

Pay attention to the transits and align with the energies. If you align with the energy, you will feel less resistance, especially during retrogrades.

Journal at the beginning and end of each moon cycle and retrograde so you can start connecting the dots. Those dots are your path forward.

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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