The Five Clair Senses - Our Unique Psychic Gifts

There are many different types of psychic abilities, but there are five distinct clair senses that most people possess. If you're interested in developing your intuition and learning more about these abilities, this article will give you an overview of each one and help you determine which ones apply to you most strongly!


Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to see things that are not in the physical realm. It's a form of psychic vision and can be either distant (as in seeing into the future) or present (as in being able to see things happening at a distance). Clairvoyants may use their abilities to help others with their problems or they may use it just for their own personal gain.


Clairaudience is hearing the voice of spirit. This is very common, as most people experience it at some point in their life. It can also be described as listening to the voice of God or hearing sounds that are not audible to others. These may include internal thoughts, voices from other worlds and sounds which are not heard by yourself or anyone else. Clairaudience occurs when an individual makes contact with the spirit world through their sixth sense. The person becomes aware of these voices through clairaudience and may receive messages from deceased loved ones or other spirits trying to communicate with us here on earth. They will hear these messages as clear as day even though there are no physical sound waves being transmitted into our ears due to physical barriers such as walls separating us from each other while they’re talking.


Clairsentience is the ability to feel and sense emotions and energy. This is a common psychic ability that many people experience in their everyday lives, but don’t always recognize as such. You may have had someone tell you they can “feel” something about you or someone else, or you may have experienced it yourself when meeting new people. In these situations, clairsentience can be used to help make decisions about who to trust and what choices to make in life. It can also be used to understand others better by tuning into their emotions and energy so that you know what they are feeling without having an explicit conversation about it with them.


Clairgustance (also known as clairtasting) is one of these gifts. When you are a clairgustant, you have the ability to taste something without ever putting it in your mouth. The physical sensation of taste will happen randomly and does not always pertain to food; it can be any object. These phantom tastes can be attributed to spirit leading you to certain emotions and feelings pertaining to your present moment and future self. They can be used as a guide for healing the past, connecting to the present, or paving the future.


Because smell is so closely linked to memory, it makes sense that clairalience (smell) would be one of the easiest ways for psychics to receive information about a person or place. When we smell something, our brain triggers memories—and since these smells can trigger either positive or negative memories, they can also help us pick up on an underlying feeling in a person's energy field or environment. This is why most psychics say they are able to tell if someone is lying based on how they smell!

In addition to helping you figure out what other people are feeling or thinking (which is already pretty handy), your clairalience gifts might be able to tell you things about yourself too—such as what activities help you recharge your energy levels best (I'm talking about coffee here). By noticing how different scents affect your moods and energy levels during meditation sessions throughout the week at work during lunch breaks etc., eventually patterns will emerge which allow them more insight into their own lives as well.

Psychic abilities are normal.

Psychic abilities are normal and can be developed with practice. Everyone has these abilities, and most likely, will have one that is dominant. Once we open ourselves up to identify and acknowledge these gifts, we will be able to develop them.

Everyone has an intuitive gift that can develop with the right tools.

Everyone has an intuitive gift. It's part of being a soul having a human experience. Everyone has the ability to develop their psychic abilities if they are willing to try. The first step is learning how to focus your energy, then we can learn how to control our abilities. Control comes from setting boundaries; without boundaries, the gifts may become overwhelming. Boundaries can be set with spirit the same way we set boundaries with people. We can practice using these gifts to improve our lives and gain insights into ourselves, those around us, and even the world around us.

Whether you see, feel, hear, taste, or smell something, it all comes down to using our intuition to decipher the messages. Intuition is the ‘gut feeling’ associated with knowing. The more we let our intuition guide us, the better we align with our intended paths.

Learning to develop your psychic abilities is one of the best ways to expand your knowledge, experience, and connect with the spirit world. It’s also a great way to connect with yourself and others on a deeper level. The five clair senses are a good place to start when trying out new psychic gifts, but there are many other types of psychic abilities that can help you grow in your understanding of the world around you. And remember: If you don’t feel like practicing any particular skill right now, don’t worry—you can always come back later! The important thing is not how quickly or slowly each person progresses along this path but rather that they do so at all.

Nicole Aguilar

Nicole Aguilar is the founder and owner of Terra Ardor™. Passionate about spirituality and the human experience, her mission is to create a space that takes the feeling of overwhelm out of the practices needed to create a balanced and aligned life.


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